
IP Numbers Table

Details on what the different IP numbers mean.

1st Digit Protection from solid objects 2nd Digit Protection from moisture
0 No protection 0 No protection
1 Protection against solid objects with diameter greater than 50mm 1 Protection from dripping water
2 Protection against solid objects with diameter greater then 12mm 2 Protection from dripping water when tilted upto 15 degrees
3 Protection against solid objects with diameter greater than 2.5mm 3 Protection from spraying water (rain)
4 Protection against solid objects with diameter greater than 1mm 4 Protection from splashing water
5 Dust protected 5 Protection from water jets
6 Dust tight 6 Protection from heavy seas
    7 Protection from immersion in water
    8 Protection from continuous submersion in water


What is an IP number and why is it used?
Electrical equipment may be given a number to signify its protection against solids and/or liquids. This rating is known as “Ingress Protection” and appears as “IP” followed by 2 or 3 digits.

The first digit of the rating indicates the level of protection against accessing harmful parts and the degree that equipment is protected against solid foreign bodies, such as tools, dust or fingers.

The second digit indicates the level of protection from moisture.
on occasion a number would be omitted and replaced with “x”. This means it has not been tested or testing is not relevant.

The higher the number, the better the protection.

If a piece of equipment does not have an IP number it must not be used in bathroom zones 0, 1 or 2, or anywhere else with a wet or damp environment.
For more details about specific IP ratings, see our IP numbers table.

What kind of electrical equipment has an IP number?
Extractor fans, lights, heaters, electrical shower units and shower pumps would all have an IP rating.

Shaver power points are not IP rated. If they comply with BS EN 60742 chapter 2 section 1, they can be located in bathroom zone 2 or beyond, providing they are not likely to be directly sprayed from any shower head.

How do I find out a products IP rating?

Within all-lit-up.co.uk a products IP number is given on the product page.