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Archive for the ‘Kitchen’ Category

Kitchen designers are always hungry for new ideas

Designer Kitchen Accessories Whether your home be spacious or compact, one thing the importance of which cannot be overstated is having a kitchen that is fit for purpose.

Whilst we would all like a huge kitchen with acres of space for all the utensils, storage and cooking equipment we can imagine, fact is that not all kitchens are large. Some are modest, designed solely for making a meal rather than making a statement. Others are bold, and tell our visitors a whole lot not only about what we are, but about what we’d like to be.

But whether our kitchen is large or small, old or modern, practical in design or challenging, it is what we have in it that truly defines it. Cooking today is typically so much more adventurous than it once was, with culinary influences from many parts of the world finding their way into the lives of so many everyday people.

And yet there remains a place for such traditional kitchen items as bread bins, teapots, egg cups, sugar bowls and the like. Take a look at the range of products on offer by Nigella Lawson, bringing together the useful and the imaginative with the strictly practical.

Another thing that defines the kitchen area of course is presentation. In particular, a lot can be told about a person’s whole approach to the work of the kitchen simply by the character of the fixtures and fittings, the cutlery and utensils that it contains. One would expect an older, more traditional kitchen area to be dominated by crockery, loud and fragile if sometimes ornate.

The modern kitchen shows its metal

A more modern kitchen might be expected to feature a lot more metal, and/or wood. If nothing else these are features that suggest a less hectic and more calming atmosphere.

Of course pots and pans have always been metallic, but often today we see the inclusion of metal products in less obvious situations such spice racks and dispensers. Sometimes these are secured by magnet, as is the case in some of the classy looking products on offer from Zevro.

It is worth remembering that our kitchen today is more than a semi-forbidden zone from which steaming plates of food eventually emerge to the relief of the poor soul whose job it is to fill them as well as to the hungry guest. Much more it is a feature of the home worth showing of about, indeed in taking pride in.

Squeezing the Most Space out of a Studio Flat

Storage Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a large home in which to experiment with different styles of décor. If you live in a city, chances are you have a small house or even studio flat which limits the amount of space you can realistically decorate. Then comes the problem of fitting in furniture and creating enough storage for all your belongings.

There are few decorating projects more challenging than tastefully sprucing up a smaller living space like a studio apartment. If you’ve become frustrated with thinking about how you’re going to fit everything in as well as making it all look nice, fear not, it is possible to create a stylish and functional space, no matter what the size.

Bigger isn’t better

Possibly the smallest living option available outside of renting a room in a house is a one bed, one bathroom studio flat. Your living space, and by that we mean your living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom, are one and the same. Some people would argue this would be an easy space to decorate but it can in fact be the hardest.

The mistake is to style and colour the one room all the same. Try to avoid matching everything up as this will make the room seem smaller. Instead, create distinct sections which define where you sit, sleep, cook and eat. A good tip is to use wooden screens, or for a cheaper option, fabrics to separate the space. Dividing the room will give you privacy where you most want it as well as giving the impression you’re moving between different spaces. Also use rugs and mats over your carpet or wooden floorboards to define certain areas.

Small is beautiful

What’s so great about large spaces anyway? Small is cosy and welcoming so play to your strengths and use warm rich colours throughout. White on every wall doesn’t always create space so don’t be afraid to use some colour on one or two of the walls. Try creating an accent wall using wallpaper and keep the other walls a paler colour. Then add texture with throws, cushions and rugs in warmer colours such as yellows and reds.

Live small, think big

There’s a belief that living in a small space means you need to buy small scale furniture. Don’t follow this rule. Larger pieces in a room reduces clutter and frees up valuable floor space. The same rule applies to artwork on your walls. Instead of putting up smaller frames, opt for one big bold piece of art such as a old school movie poster.

Buy furniture that has a dual purpose. A large chest of drawers will give you plenty of storage but also use it to stand your television on. Your bed will likely be your sofa too but go for the biggest sofa you possibly can rather than a two-seater sofa bed and armchair combo. If you need additional seating for guests, take a look at the LoJo range for small foot stool/seat options.

Your kitchen is likely to have the bare minimum storage but you can increase space on shelving and inside the cupboards themselves with a few innovative kitchen storage products. Take a look at the Design Ideas range for inspiration.

Remember, the size of the home doesn’t matter. You can make even the smallest flat your own unique space without having to compromise on style.

Cooking Up a New Kitchen

Cooking Up a New Kitchen Reaching the decision to carry out a little reorganisation, redecoration or remodelling of the kitchen can often seem like you are cooking up a storm of problems. If you’ve ever felt too weighed down to try a redesign of the kitchen, this approach to the task could help.

As an alternative to thinking of the kitchen as one massive challenge, break it down into small, achievable and practical mini-projects. Wanting to do everything at the same time is a surefire way to get you hot under the collar without being anywhere close to an oven.

To start with, have a plan. Concentrate on what you want to do with particular aspects of the kitchen by answering some basic questions.

What would you like to improve?

It’s not always the case that every part of the kitchen needs improvement. You’ll have ideas of what you’d like done but sometimes budget constraints won’t allow it so be honest and sensible about what should change. A simple reorganisation of your kitchen will usually help you recognise what’s missing or what needs adding to.

Have you got adequate storage?

Most people will answer ‘no’ to this question since we generally all desire additional places to put items. However, despite an entire redesign you might find space is tight (particularly in smaller galley kitchens) so consider what extra type of storage space you need – more space for appliances? Extra storage for food? Extra wine storage? Spice racks?

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