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Posts Tagged ‘Wallpaper’

Children’s bedroom wallpaper ideas

Children's bedroom wallpaper When it comes to decorating your child’s bedroom it can be quite a task. Children and teenagers have definite ideas of what they’d like in their room while parents want the room to reflect the overall style of the house. Usually a child’s insistence (or should that be tantrum) wins the day but there can be compromise if both sides of the household are presented with some decent choices ‚Äì none more so than with wallpaper. Here, we take a look at the top wallpaper designs on the market right now which will keep kids and parents happy.

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How to choose wallpaper ‚Äì a buyer’s guide

How to choose wallpaperThe trend for using wallpaper in the home has been growing for some time now and sales show no sign of slowing.

Wallpaper has many advantages over paint. Depending on the colour or pattern you choose, wallpaper can create a subtle or dramatic look to a room as well as being capable of covering those imperfections on the wall that would otherwise prove too costly to repair with replastering.

But when it comes to choosing wallpaper for your home, how do you go about getting it right? In this article we’ll give some tips, advice and ideas for wallpapering the home.

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