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Posts Tagged ‘bedroom storage’

Ooh La La! – Creating a Boudoir Bedroom

Bedroom For the romantics, the lovers and the more adventurous decorators among you, there clearly can be no sexier design statement then creating a boudoir style bedroom. While the bedroom aims to be a place of relaxation, it should also be a room for pleasure. If all the clutter, discarded laundry and empty coffee cups are killing the passion in your bedroom then it’s time for some opulence and decadence to ignite the flames.

Modern life is rubbish

All the things that make modern life so convenient can easily be distracting, especially in the bedroom. The first stage of creating your beautiful boudoir is to remove any traces of technology and practicality. Ban the television and put away the hair-straighteners because there’s no glamour in gadgets and gizmos. Hide as much of the clutter as you can with bedroom storage that will go in drawers or cupboards but display your most prized perfumes and put your rings and necklaces on show with a jewellery tree.

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Finding Extra Bedroom Storage

Bedroom storage My daughter is four-going-on-fourteen. And while I don’t yet let her wear makeup or a lot of ‘proper’ jewellery, obviously, she does have a collection of play and dress-up stuff that needs a home. Her room is small, and what she does have is taken up by a bed, a bookshelf and a built-in wardrobe. So when I discovered her pretend earrings and lip glosses ‘stored’ under her bed, well within reach of our newly-crawling baby, I hit the roof. The very next weekend was dedicated to finding appropriate bedroom storage solutions and we tackled every shopping centre in our area (there are a few, one of the reasons I chose to live here).

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