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Archive for the ‘Garage’ Category

How to de-clutter your garage – storage products

Garage-storage If you’ve got a garage but can’t actually get your car into it because of all the clutter then it’s time to start thinking about a clear out and then installing some decent garage storage. Yes, a garage is great for storing all those bits and pieces that you don’t want in the house but it’s not much use when you have to wade through a tangled mess of cables and tools to find the things you want. Also, being able to park your car in a garage overnight can help bring your insurance premiums down and protect your car from the elements.

With all this in mind, we want to talk to you about driving out the clutter from your garage so you can use it properly and we’ve got some great garage storage products to help achieve this without restricting space.

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How to store a bike – cycle racks, hooks & stands

Bicycle storage On yer bike! No, seriously get on your bike. We’re living in a world where climate change and the economy is in turmoil so what better, cheaper way to be mobile and kind to the planet than a bicycle. There’s some great initiatives being offered by many local councils and forward-thinking private companies which encourage you to use a bike for work and play but something you’ll need to take into consideration is where and how you’re going to store a cycle in your home. What are the advantages to using a proper home bike storage system? In this article we’ll explain the benefits of bike racks, bike hooks and bike stands.

The best way to store your bike

If you’re lucky enough to have a garage at your home then this is the best place to store your bike. Riding a bike in cold weather and then bringing it in to a warm house creates a build up of condensation on the frame which creates a rust problem – keeping your bike in an unheated garage will prevent this happening. If you don’t have a garage and have to leave your bike outside, make sure you buy a heavy-duty all-weather cover to prevent water and moisture damage.

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