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Archive for June, 2009

Shoe lovers guide to shoe storage

Designer shoe storage During the 1990s when Imelda Marcos was found to have over 3,000 shoes in her collection there was a resounding outburst from men across the world claiming ‚Äúthat’s nothing, you should see how many shoes my missus has got!!‚Äù. We’ll let you debate with your partner the necessity for such a vast collection in your own time, for now we want to talk to you about how you go about storing all your shoes.

Shoe storage in most households involves kicking them off wherever you sit down and leaving them there until you need to put them on again. But for those who want to bring a bit of organisation to their shoe storage – not to mention style – there’s a fantastic range of designer shoe racks, boxes and shelves to help you out.

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How to store a bike – cycle racks, hooks & stands

Bicycle storage On yer bike! No, seriously get on your bike. We’re living in a world where climate change and the economy is in turmoil so what better, cheaper way to be mobile and kind to the planet than a bicycle. There’s some great initiatives being offered by many local councils and forward-thinking private companies which encourage you to use a bike for work and play but something you’ll need to take into consideration is where and how you’re going to store a cycle in your home. What are the advantages to using a proper home bike storage system? In this article we’ll explain the benefits of bike racks, bike hooks and bike stands.

The best way to store your bike

If you’re lucky enough to have a garage at your home then this is the best place to store your bike. Riding a bike in cold weather and then bringing it in to a warm house creates a build up of condensation on the frame which creates a rust problem – keeping your bike in an unheated garage will prevent this happening. If you don’t have a garage and have to leave your bike outside, make sure you buy a heavy-duty all-weather cover to prevent water and moisture damage.

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Children’s bedroom lighting, lamps and night lights

Child's lighting If you’re redecorating a child’s bedroom or preparing a nursery for a newborn baby, getting the lighting right involves more than just sticking up a standard light fixture. You’ll need to consider your child’s age and understand that their need for light will change as they get older. Having a selection of children’s lighting fixtures in the room will not only provide sufficient illumination for reading and playing, but will also help soothe a younger child off to sleep at night. Here we take a look at some off the best children’s ceiling lights, table lamps and night lights.

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