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Archive for the ‘Bedroom’ Category

Ooh La La! – Creating a Boudoir Bedroom

Bedroom For the romantics, the lovers and the more adventurous decorators among you, there clearly can be no sexier design statement then creating a boudoir style bedroom. While the bedroom aims to be a place of relaxation, it should also be a room for pleasure. If all the clutter, discarded laundry and empty coffee cups are killing the passion in your bedroom then it’s time for some opulence and decadence to ignite the flames.

Modern life is rubbish

All the things that make modern life so convenient can easily be distracting, especially in the bedroom. The first stage of creating your beautiful boudoir is to remove any traces of technology and practicality. Ban the television and put away the hair-straighteners because there’s no glamour in gadgets and gizmos. Hide as much of the clutter as you can with bedroom storage that will go in drawers or cupboards but display your most prized perfumes and put your rings and necklaces on show with a jewellery tree.

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How To Organise A Child’s Bedroom

Bedroom Storage A child’s bedroom is typically the most chaotic room in the home and no sooner have you tidied up, it’s become a mess again. Let’s face it, children don’t do organised and a certain level of unordered living should be expected when kids are involved.

If you’re forever tripping over toys, clothes and books in your child’s bedroom then you need to get a grasp on the situation because left to their own devices, your offspring will happily continue to live in a mess. Here are a few things you and your child can do to maintain some order:

Plan of attack

The first thing to do is get your child involved and keep it fun. There’s no point being the strict disciplinarian because it will have the opposite effect. Come up with a plan together, let them choose where to put things (within reason!) and also let them have a say on the type of storage they would like to have.

De-clutter the room

As children get older they will accumulate more and more things, most of which they’d have outgrown. Get rid of unwanted toys and old clothes that are no longer worn or don’t fit. Your child’s input here is important and you’ll be surprised at how much they will want to get shot of. Any unwanted items can go to a charity shop or you could consider selling them.

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Essential Bedroom Decorating Ideas

Essential Bedroom Decorating Ideas You don’t have to be a top interior designer to make your bedroom look like you’ve had an expert in to spruce it up. Sometimes simple things can be changed which will have a drastic effect on the look of your room while on other occasions you may need to start from scratch to get the exact look you’re aiming for.

But what is that look and how do you achieve it? We all have our own personal tastes and opinions on design but these essential bedroom decorating ideas will get you on the right track….the rest is up to you!

Bedroom decoration

When it comes to having a place where you go to rest and enjoy some private space, the bedroom is the most important part of your home. An inviting, quiet and carefully designed bedroom is easily achieved through selecting the right materials, wall colours, lighting and furniture arrangement.

Notice how we say furniture arrangement and not necessarily new furniture. Yes, it’s great to buy new, but don’t be too hasty and drastically throw everything out because sometimes your existing pieces work themselves into the new design. To keep costs down, take a look at what you already have and try to work your colours and textures around that.

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