How To Organise A Child’s Bedroom

Bedroom Storage A child’s bedroom is typically the most chaotic room in the home and no sooner have you tidied up, it’s become a mess again. Let’s face it, children don’t do organised and a certain level of unordered living should be expected when kids are involved.

If you’re forever tripping over toys, clothes and books in your child’s bedroom then you need to get a grasp on the situation because left to their own devices, your offspring will happily continue to live in a mess. Here are a few things you and your child can do to maintain some order:

Plan of attack

The first thing to do is get your child involved and keep it fun. There’s no point being the strict disciplinarian because it will have the opposite effect. Come up with a plan together, let them choose where to put things (within reason!) and also let them have a say on the type of storage they would like to have.

De-clutter the room

As children get older they will accumulate more and more things, most of which they’d have outgrown. Get rid of unwanted toys and old clothes that are no longer worn or don’t fit. Your child’s input here is important and you’ll be surprised at how much they will want to get shot of. Any unwanted items can go to a charity shop or you could consider selling them.

Give it a good clean

Chances are with all the clutter you’ve never been able to give the bedroom a thorough clean so now is the perfect opportunity. Hopefully you should be able to see the floor again so if your child’s room has carpet consider having it cleaned. Wash the curtains or dust the blinds and clean the windows.

Organise and store

Now the room is clear and clean, you can begin to create set areas for activity i.e sleeping, playing, studying and dressing. Children love being read to or reading themselves before going off to sleep so have some proper lighting by the bed such as a table lamp. If your child is an avid reader but their books are always strewn across the floor, put up a few book shelves (make sure they can reach them!).

Children spend a lot of time playing in the bedroom which is why toys can end up all over the place. If there are too many toys shoved under the bed then buy some suitable storage containers. By providing proper storage for all their toys you’ll help them to keep the room tidy. Think about having different coloured storage boxes for action figures and dolls, board games, computer games etc.

Children given homework by their school need a decent sized desk and desk lamp for studying at so create an area in the room for this. Don’t forget a few storage pots for all their stationery to help keep things neat and organised.

Finally, make sure your child’s room has enough clothing storage to encourage them not to drop things on the floor. Clothes hooks and coat stands are a good idea as they are visible storage which your child is more likely to use rather than having to open the wardrobe all the time. Give them their own laundry basket too so you can be sure what needs cleaning.

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