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Archive for December, 2009

Funky Door Stops For The Home

Door stops Since the door was first created we’ve found various ways to keep it open – typically with a bulky heavy object rammed against the door which is neither practical or aesthetically pleasing. What you need is a door stop that does the job it is intended for but isn’t just a chuck of wood or brick. Designers are always coming up with weird and wonderful ways to prop open a door and today we have an array of doorstops to choose from.

When was the first door stop used?

Evidence of the use of door stops has been found in 18th century England where lead bricks were all the rage to keep a door open (until someone discovered that toxins in lead were dangerous and so they swiftly stopped using them). However, it’s likely that doors were kept open with objects long before that so it’s best to assume that the door stop has been around as long as the door in one form or another.

These days we want a door stop that reflects our home or style and fortunately we can buy something a little bit better than a block of toxic metal.

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Handbag Butler – A Party Season Essential

Handbag Butler It’s the party season which means you’ll be out and about socialising with friends, family and work colleagues. However, as any woman knows, there is one essential item that you’ll always need by your side and that’s a handbag. And on a special night out that means having your most expensive and best loved handbag on show. But where do you put it when you’re sitting down so it’s safe? The solution is simple and stylish,  use a handbag butler.

Handbag butler, the perfect handbag companion

Okay, usually your handbag ends up slung over the back of the chair or on the floor. Not good. On the back of a chair the bag is out of sight and easily whisked away by a thief while on the floor it is getting kicked around and messed up. The best solution to this age-old problem is to have it hanging somewhere close but in view and that’s where the handbag butler is ready to assist you.

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