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Posts Tagged ‘Zevro’

Kitchen designers are always hungry for new ideas

Designer Kitchen Accessories Whether your home be spacious or compact, one thing the importance of which cannot be overstated is having a kitchen that is fit for purpose.

Whilst we would all like a huge kitchen with acres of space for all the utensils, storage and cooking equipment we can imagine, fact is that not all kitchens are large. Some are modest, designed solely for making a meal rather than making a statement. Others are bold, and tell our visitors a whole lot not only about what we are, but about what we’d like to be.

But whether our kitchen is large or small, old or modern, practical in design or challenging, it is what we have in it that truly defines it. Cooking today is typically so much more adventurous than it once was, with culinary influences from many parts of the world finding their way into the lives of so many everyday people.

And yet there remains a place for such traditional kitchen items as bread bins, teapots, egg cups, sugar bowls and the like. Take a look at the range of products on offer by Nigella Lawson, bringing together the useful and the imaginative with the strictly practical.

Another thing that defines the kitchen area of course is presentation. In particular, a lot can be told about a person’s whole approach to the work of the kitchen simply by the character of the fixtures and fittings, the cutlery and utensils that it contains. One would expect an older, more traditional kitchen area to be dominated by crockery, loud and fragile if sometimes ornate.

The modern kitchen shows its metal

A more modern kitchen might be expected to feature a lot more metal, and/or wood. If nothing else these are features that suggest a less hectic and more calming atmosphere.

Of course pots and pans have always been metallic, but often today we see the inclusion of metal products in less obvious situations such spice racks and dispensers. Sometimes these are secured by magnet, as is the case in some of the classy looking products on offer from Zevro.

It is worth remembering that our kitchen today is more than a semi-forbidden zone from which steaming plates of food eventually emerge to the relief of the poor soul whose job it is to fill them as well as to the hungry guest. Much more it is a feature of the home worth showing of about, indeed in taking pride in.

Tidying up your home

Home Storage For many of us tidying up is an ordeal to be dreaded. The fact is that when one gets down to it it usually isn’t so bad after all. What looks like an hour’s work might when push comes to shove take us about ten or fifteen minutes. But it looks an insurmountable problem when it is spread all over the floor, and across the settee, and over the backs of the chairs.

The perfect invention would be a room, or better still a house, that tidied itself. Affordable digital technology has yet to meet that challenge. In the meantime though, we can help the situation along by ensuring that every incorrectly located item can have a home of its own whence it can be repatriated.

The trick is to ensure that for every item in the house that has the potential to move there is a bag, a hook, or a rack. For the disorganised like myself, surprising amounts of time are spent trying to recall where an object is or what I have done with this or that. It could all be so different.

The other demand of course is that in most ordinary homes at least space is a finite resource. It is always the case that when things are not filed or folded away but rather strewn or cast in the direction of momentary convenience the home begins to look smaller and cluttered. Organisation is not only a filing system, it is a space creator too.

One of the most useful additions to any home is the simple storage unit. Elfa produces an impressive range of baskets – free standing, wall mounted or designed to fit in our cupboards. It is worth taking a look at the Elfa range to get an idea of just how many practical varieties are available.

If on the other hand spice racks are what you are looking for the range offered by Zevro is certainly worth perusing.

Of course because storage is essentially a practical science that doesn’t at all mean that items installed into the home for the purpose of must necessarily be bland, nor purely functional. It is entirely possible to introduce fixtures and fittings which, whilst their primary purpose is for helping to keep the home tidy, are themselves pleasing to the eye and actually possess a decorative quality quite of their own. One of the best illustrations of this is the range of products by Black and Blum. Take a look at the innovative range of products that this manufacturer has available.

Remember – a tidier home is a bigger home, less stressful and better organised.