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Posts Tagged ‘floor cushions’

The modern alternative to the sofa

Bean bags

“Beanbag?” I hear you ask, “How 1970’s is that!” Well, very but as any fashionista will tell you, 70’s kitsch is THE thing darling and the new LoJo Ball takes the concept to a totally new, funky, functional and more comfortable level.

During the tail end of flower power, the original Beanbag was everywhere, cheap versions soon followed but the appeal remained undimmed. These 1st generation floor cushions were de rigueur for every teenager’s bedroom but did nothing much for long term comfort. That said, the washable covers meant that it was a parents dream and a quick cycle in the twin tub was a lot less hassle than a full on session with upholstery cleaner. Added to that, that it was a lot easier to kick into the cupboard come tidy up time than wrestling with the cast off G Plan corner unit donated by your parents.

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