Posts Tagged ‘designer bread bins’

Designer bread bins

Designer bread bins The humble bread bin was originally made from wood and used to keep baked bread fresh for as long as possible. The bread bin fell out of favour when pre-sliced bread with preservatives was made commercially available. Sold in plastic wrapping, the bread kept fresher for longer and so bread bin sales declined. However, while bread bins went out of fashion in the US and around the world, many people in the UK still see a bread bin as an essential kitchen item particularly those who like to buy a fresh loaf from the local baker or bake their own.

Why use a bread bin

Bread has a short life span and a bread bin won’t stop bread going mouldy once it’s past its best. However, a bread bin can keep the bread in the best level of humidity to help it stay fresh and crusty for a reasonable number of days.

A bread bin also comes into its own during the warmer months when humidity can make a loaf go stale quicker. Keeping your bread in a freezer can preserve it for longer, but then it’s only good for toasting (and sometimes you just want a sandwich!).

If you’ve bought an unsliced loaf, keep it like that in the bread bin. Any fresh or baked goods should also be left in the bin with no wrapping around them as this will impede the function of the bin.

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