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Making a Tidy Bedroom Fun

Child Storage Anybody who has had children will know that as they grow bigger their bedrooms grow smaller.

This is not just a proportionality thing. It isn’t merely about a larger child outgrowing surroundings that when he or she was a baby appeared more than adequate. Rather it is about a child’s renowned inability to discard anything that is no longer really needed, or to pack away anything that is. Clutter simply begets more clutter, and the living space thus becomes smaller and smaller.

The challenge is therefore to provide storage for it all, and thereafter to ensure that the child understands and remembers why it is necessary to use it and to encourage its use, if needs be, by the sustained application of the carrot and stick strategy.

Child storage comes in an array of types and forms, from bags and boxes in which to stuff toys to coat stands and door hooks on which to locate items of clothing rescued from the floor.

Storage boxes for children, by children

The key to providing options that are going to command respect is to ensure that they are compatible with their surroundings. Plain and characterless wooden crates are not going to inspire the child, whose imagination operates on a completely different level to that of the adults in the household. Take a look at these children’s storage boxes, tastefully made in the form of canal houses that can be painted, decorated and personalised by the child, allowing him or her to take ownership and to impose their creativity upon them. When they are no longer needed they can safety be disposed of safe in the knowledge that they are entirely biodegradable.

Door and wall mounted coat hooks will similarly train your child to hang coats and clothes up, by turning the whole experience into fun. If your child enjoys hanging a coat up as opposed to leaving it on the floor then it is much more likely to happen.

Storage options should ideally blend into the environment in which your child feels secure, rather than standing alone as something alien and stern. Making tidying clothes and toys away into an integral part of playtime is the key to a tidy bedroom. And a larger one too.

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