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Archive for the ‘Home Office’ Category

Creating the Perfect Home Office for a 5-9er

Home Office Have you heard the phrase “5-9er”? It represents people who have job with an employer during the day and then use the evenings to operate their own business – usually an online company or e-commerce website. More and more people are investing time into these ventures in the hope of going it alone full-time or to top up their income. If you’re considering working from home in the evenings you’ll need a place in which to work quietly and productively – or to put it another way, you need a home office.

It’s important to have the right tools and the right environment to work in otherwise you can easily waste precious time and become frustrated. Unnecessary delays can throw your whole evening’s schedule out and before you know it you’re working into the wee small hours. Get the basics of setting up a home workspace right and you’ll find you can be organised, productive and happy in your work.


Set up in a room that is away from the hustle and bustle of the house. Ideally you don’t want to be close to distractions such as the kitchen and living room but not everyone has a spare room to use as an office. If space is an issue, set-up a table and chair somewhere that can be a permanent workspace, that way everyone in the house will know that’s where your business operates from and if they see you there you’ll get some peace and quiet (hopefully!).

Let there be light

Ideally the room in which you work should have plenty of natural light flooding in but the fact is that working in the evenings means you need artificial light. When buying home office lighting you need to match the type of light to the task in hand.

Ambient lighting, which lights up the room, can be created using overhead lights and floorlamps, however you need to get the balance of lighting right because working in a room lit only by overhead lights can become unbearable. Go for dimmer switches so you can adjust the levels and when working at a desk make sure you’ve a decent adjustable desk lamp. Check out the specialist ranges from Alma Light and Leds-C4 Lighting for inspiration.

Organisation and functionality

Just as with a corporate office, arrange your workspace so you can be efficient. With such limited time in the evening you don’t want to be rummaging through drawers looking for a stapler or rifling through paperwork looking for an important document. De-clutter and only keep those items that are essential to your work. Keep a small number of stationery supplies close to hand and if space permits, everything else in a cabinet.

If you’re lacking floor space for cabinets and cupboards, invest in some decent desktop storage. Keep box files, reference books, trade magazines and any other assorted paper items on wall mounted storage ( such as shelves or racks. Have a look at products by Furnantics and Scanwood for ideas on how to do this.

Home office lighting

Home office lighting Working from home and having an office in the house should mean you’re able to be as productive in your work space as you would be in a business premises. While we can’t account for your work rate we can pass on advice on how to light your home office properly. As with wall colour and floor finishes, the right lighting in your home office can have a big impact on your ability to work. Here we’ll show you how to improve your office lighting and some products that will suit most tastes and budgets.

Natural lighting

Don’t underestimate the need for natural light in your home office. Natural light is always the preferable light source and is able to lift mood and increase productivity. If you can, place your desk close to a window but at an angle that avoids computer screen glare. Don’t shut your blinds or shades completely. Venetian blinds can be adjusted to control the amount of light flooding in and natural light keeps you focussed and alert. If your home office has insufficient windows or the window is too small to light the office properly, consider relocating your office to another room in the house. If that’s not an option, or you work late into the evenings, then you’ll need some supplementary lighting.

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Tips for setting up a home office – products and desk accessories

Home office Many people now work from home or have the choice to work from home for part of the week so they need a space in which to set up a home office. If you need to turn a room in the house into an office, there’s a great range of Home office products and desk accessories available to buy online that are not only practical, but will also give your work space a bright and stylish look.

Home office interior design

One of the great things about working from home is that you’re free from the constraints of a normal working environment which means no more of those dull items bulk ordered from a central office stationery supplier. Create a work space that is functional but fill it with products and accessories that are fun, stylish and will suit your personality.

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