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Archive for July, 2009

Key holders – how to avoid losing your keys

Key holders We’re going to ask you a question….where are your keys? Right now, where are they? You’re either checking your pockets, scanning the room or smugly sitting there dangling them in your hand. Those of you who know where your keys are, well done. For the majority of us, trying to find where we last placed our keys is an everyday frustration. There are few worse feelings than returning home to find you haven’t got your keys or rushing to leave the house in the morning and realising you can’t find them. It’s enough to drive you to distraction. We’ve got a few tips to help you avoid losing your keys and some great key holders so you’ve got a proper place to keep them in the home.

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Bathroom mirror lighting – tips & products

Bathroom lighting When we enter the bathroom it’s usually because we need to make ourselves clean and presentable. Whether it’s personal hygiene, appearance or plain old vanity, we want to leave the bathroom looking our best so an important factor in achieving this is to make sure the room is lit properly.

As with any room, there are three basic types of lighting required for a bathroom – task lighting, general lighting and accent lighting. In this article we want to concentrate on bathroom mirror lighting which is task lighting that illuminates an area of the room where tasks are performed Рusually this will be applying make-up, shaving, brushing teeth etc.

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Contemporary & classic floor lamps

Floor lighting Floor lamps, floor lights or standard lamps ‚Äì call them what you will but there’s something about the look and feel of a floor lamp in a room. These great lighting fixtures stand there like an expectant butler awaiting your bidding and proffering a tray of light for your pleasure…or perhaps that’s just a fantasy of ours? Whatever the basis is for us loving these fixtures, you should have floor lamps in your home for a variety of reasons not least of which because they look fantastic.

Here we’ll give some advice on where to use a floor lamp plus a few product recommendations of the best contemporary and classic floor lights on the market right now.

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